Be fastidious with your Orange tonight. There are messages for everyone tonight. Write them down, do not rely on your memory or your heart. If you need to assist each other, appropriately to stay on track, then please do.
This opportunity is not an opportunity, opportunities happen at the Orange. The Orange is the most under pressure aspect of your alignment currently. Tonight is not an opportunity but a moment in time. Time is aligned with the Blue.
There is a stacking, a concertina of lifetimes out of balance down at the soul.This equates to what for you? Confusion, chaos, being out of balance and without a touchstone. What is the meaning of touchstone? Andrew M answers ego and it should be the heart. In relation to the stacking, the concertina effect, like stones being piled one on top of the other if the ego was the touchstone, I would not be able to resolve other symptoms.
What would occur if all the lifetimes, the fundamental lifetimes, were stacked and in concertina together? The group answers, creating rubble, a piling up of rocks and stones? It would make life hard work, there would be unpleasant events, creation of fate and no joy!
Jana said she would be overwhelmed.
Chescia said she would resort to fantasies, coping by escaping to make herself feel better.
Mike said he would become hopeless. He has a tendency to think it through and go to the mind.
You sound entrenched with this stacking/concertina effect?
Jana said, me too!
Do you have a concertina of lifetimes stacked together producing these symptoms now? Is it more intense of late? Why has this occurred, why is there a stacking? How to solve it?
Someone said, by being honest with myself, with no limitation.
Are you transparent?
Has your honesty and transparency become the antidote for the confusion and overwhelm , etc.? Fancy that! Producing your antidote?
If one was to light a match to ignite the pilot light all the way down to annul the misgivings in the stack, the concertina, what would happen? But wait, there is still an ego, yes? What might the ego do with the flame instead?
It will corrupt the flame and try to use and abuse the flame instead.
What would your ego do to corrupt the flame? (John M’s energy comes out of Andrew M’s earthstar.)
Janice answered, my ego would try to extinguish the flame with air.
Andrew and Michael mentioned illusion.
Where does illusion come from? The mind? Yes, and what is used to fuel the illusion? Air and water. It becomes more flamboyant and it dampens the spirit.
Which level makes the flame into a bonfire rather than an extinguished flame? Air and ether.
The top levels await your governance at your flame. Otherwise the top levels fall short. Think of light waves, what happens when light waves fall short and don’t reach their destination?
Fiona MacClintock, we have to believe in the rays, trust in the light otherwise the rays fall short. What happens to your top levels? It falls short.
Where does your faith come from Katie, when your stories are stacked over one another? Solar Plexus, where it is not meant to be! Has it developed from a belief, into a religion? Katie answers,Yes. Do you follow it religiously? If you were to extend your light rays what would happen to your faith potentially? It would move into my heart and I would trust it. Have you stopped Katie? What happens to all the lifetime stories when you stop? There are others in a similar situation. What happens when the stories are on top of one another and you are falling short in your capacity?
Michael answered, disconnection from the heart. A part cannot access the heart and it is used to falling short and taking the shorter version. What would happen if you were to extend yourself and invest in more parts of yourself instead of simply one?
Many of you are just shy of living this, yet you are not there yet. You feel a disconnect because you are not comfortable with connection. No one is in this room. There have been stories stacking in all the Ascension lifetimes; Egypt, Lumeria, Atlantis. Faith lost, the greater capacity lost, falling short. You are being absolutely timid, cautious without much left.
Why has no one referenced their engine tonight? Because it is the engine and the higher levels that will be brought back into balance. You know this but you misused it. The top levels for all of the people in this room rely on the depths, the depths rely on the heights. If you fall short, if you misuse the flame, the heart, there is no connection, no signalling system, no relay mechanism, no feedback mechanism, no co-ordinates, no where to go.
Dakota listen, for as much as there is a good plan in motion, without the depths and the heights it does not sustain itself. You fall short.
Be careful, Zoe has relayed to us her faith in your rather memorable and genuine decision of late to uphold being Geometry Holders. Do not break her heart. You can hear the dog bark (loyalty). We have two very loyal subjects here.
There is brand new knowledge for everyone here. You are going into uncharted territory to discover and extend yourself beyond what you have known, what you have been taught. You can move beyond what we can give you. It is programmed within you. The seed cannot be activated unless there is fire. The seed is tough but a bonfire will destroy it and it’s programming. Air will blow it away, water, wash it away.
Ether? What is alive and kicking from Atlantis but in the 21st Century? Ether. It is Ethereal communication via the internet.
You are all a part of the ethereal world in real time.
Fohat is the element that allows for mega storage; it holds great expanses of knowledge intrinsic to intuition, insight, perception individuality, dream and true union, union of the physical and spiritual, the masculine and feminine, union to know heart, to actualise the seed, Orange.
Akasha is the element that holds divine intelligence, it is a shooting star, intergalactic energy that is of time and light and it journeys all the way down to the engine room (soul). What would happen if this intelligence was to journey all the way down to the engine room and then in light years, extend back up to be recorded once more? This communication goes far beyond ether, mind, the physical body…. Evolution, revolution!
This was lost by you. This capacity and information to touch, and bless you, because you stopped and preferred to settle with what instead…? The group offered, disconnection, mind and ego.
Stopping puts a great deal of pressure on the collective, influences, it spreads and sinks because it becomes too heavy for the top levels. The ethernet crashes. What occurs to cause this?
Ether collapses when you individually experience malfunction in communication, breakdown, glitch, arguments, confusion, there is no signal, viruses occur , etc.
What do you suppose the seed as a geometry has safely protected within its shell?