Hypnotherapy is at its simplest, enhanced relaxation to enable your mind to adopt and use positive suggestions. These suggestions help you to achieve changes in your behaviours.
You can receive positive suggestions while your brain moves between the beta and theta levels of consciousness.Your brain is always engaged in and moving between these different brain wave states.
As Clinical Hypnotherapists, we help facilitate and guide you into:
Alert & Aware
Relax & Visualise
Meditation & Memory
Healing Sleep
We encourage and work with all of these states of your awareness and as you relax more deeply, we make helpful and positive suggestions that influence you to make your positive changes, to resolve your issues.
Hypnotherapy helps you to relax
Whilst your conscious mind lets go or it drifts and floats to think of other things, as you relax, you will hear our voice guiding you.Your inner mind can simply begin to make the changes without your conscious mind needing to know how or why. You don’t have to do anything, except relax.
The experience can often be like having a day dream, knowing that there is someone speaking to you whilst allowing yourself to drift away for a while to think and dream of more pleasant and appealing things. Whilst this occurs, your sub conscious mind is taking in everything that is being said.
Your deep inner wisdom takes over and is working to help you to resolve those problems that may be eroding your self esteem and confidence. Many people make positive gains by simply learning how to relax at a deeper level and it can help you continue to make changes in between your appointment times.
Did you know you can be in trance with your eyes open?
We work with you while you are in an open-eyed trance state, eyes closed light trance as well as deep relaxation where you are no longer aware of our voice.
When you work with us we explore the problems that are keeping you stuck in old habits. We help you to move through and beyond them by encouraging you to release and reprogram yourself to better habits whilst you move comfortably in between states of being alert, aware and deeply relaxed.
We assist you in solving your problems in a variety of ways. At times we will help you to find out precisely what underpins a problem in order to help you to release its causes. At other times, we leave it to your subconscious mind to find the cause and release it. Together we work toward exactly what you want to achieve and help you get there by making suggestions along the way, often using rich stories and metaphors.
We call upon your unconscious ability to solve problems.
Your subconscious mind works with you and helps you to turn corners previously not travelled. Your sub conscious mind is a very intelligent aspect of you that resides below the level of your conscious awareness. It is often extremely insightful as to what the cause of your problems are and how best to navigate through them.
Hypnotherapy is a natural and safe process
- hypnotherapy is an organic process in which we facilitate and allow your subconscious wisdom to take charge. It is safe and gentle. Your results are coming from a deeper part of you
- trance can be a state where time changes and things subsequently seem to speed up or slow right down
- your inner mind does precisely what needs to be done and your conscious mind experiences things in its own way
- it is a state whereby, with experience, you learn to trust that you have more resources available to you than you were consciously aware of before
- trance can simply help you get out of your mind and find other parts of your self that you can rely on to find answers, direction and solutions
- if you need to find new ways to create better outcomes your subconscious mind is an expert at helping you move toward the changes you want to make
Complimentary hypnotherapy recording
When you make a booking with us, we will send you an intake form to complete and return to us. We will read your information and then send you a complimentary recording to help you prepare for your first appointment with us.
If you are:
- overworking trying to achieve the change on your own
- stressed or unable to sleep
- at an impasse not having achieved your results
- agitated, anxious and seeking calm
- looking for answers to move beyond your current blocks
Hypnotherapy can assist. Your habits can change and you can begin to experience being the person you know that you want to be.
We provide you with hypnotherapy recordings that support you in between sessions and help you rest, recover and become calm and confident once more.