Given the ground plane swell sweeping our world regarding climate change, we thought it wise as well as useful to help support you to be more conscious, awake and aware on this front. After all, it’s the Red or base chakra in our energetic bodies of light that we owe our gratitude to, for keeping our feet firmly planted on the physical plane. Did you know that it’s our foundation and without it we are without life force? Did you know that your entire energetic consciousness has a direct link to the energetic consciousness of our planet as well as beyond?
Photo by Markus Spiske
The relationship that we forge with the earth, it’s oceans, forests and wetlands means that not only do we benefit from their gifts, they too are more likely to survive. Similarly to the internal revolutions that can occur within your own self, the planet undergoes its own too. It’s constantly responding, and reacting to what is not good for it. It is a living intelligence and along with it’s natural cycles, it does or does not adapt to what’s thrown at it!
One of the foundational components of Clinical Hypnotherapy is feeding the subconscious wisdom with positive suggestions as a way of making change. With the constant bombardment of what may seem at times overwhelming, a lost cause or even fatal, the authentic light will always shine clearly through the darkness with a positive vibration to support it.
Hypnotise yourself into better ways of being!
So, some advice to help you to action your own change for yourself, family, community, environment and pets, is to keep remembering to use the word remember! We en(courage) you to replace the word forget, in your own thinking as well as conversations with remember. For example,
“Remember to pack your toothbrush this time” rather than,
“Don’t forget your toothbrush, like last time”!
To add to that mini change, how about adopting it to help you integrate simple and positive steps that you can take to support your self, our children, all creatures great and small as well as our planet. Perhaps it is time to acknowledge the wisdom of the older generations that have come before, the indigenous traditions that demonstrated a deep connection with the environment as well as our children that are and will continue to carry the torch light for greater consciousness.
Photo by Alonso Reyes
Some reminders of what we can all do on a day to day basis are:
- Remember to use bees wraps or glass containers to replace cling-film and keep food fresh
- Remember to take your coffee/tea cup when ordering take away or better still, give yourself 10 minutes to sit and have that cuppa on route to where you need to be
- Remember to switch the lights off at home including the modem when not in use
- Remember to recycle your soft plastics as well as all other recyclable materials, simply look for the recycling symbol on your items
- Remember to water your plants early in the morning or late in the evening, and grow plants from cuttings to enjoy both inside and outside. Go one step further, plant a tree to help offset your carbon footprint
- Remember to keep your fruit and veg fresh, do away with plastic and invest in a swag bag and nylon/netting bags for the loose produce at the supermarket like baby spinach
- Remember something that your grandparents, parents or older brother/sister used to do, that made very good use of what was, forget about wasting that valuable item!
Recycling Symbol
We welcome you to add to this list via FB or Instagram, share your ideas with the hashtags #IntuitiveIntelligenceSydney and #ThinksGreenLivesGreen. Let’s see how we can positively support our planet and climate by using our own savvy intelligence and community consciousness.
Photo by Roman Craft
Remember what you choose to do matters
Lastly, remember whilst democracy is currently in the spotlight, which relates to free will, choice, the throat chakra and the Blue for Intuitive Intelligence Sydney, exercise your birth right and stay informed on the facts associated with the science of climate change. Can you use your feeling sense to better serve you today and each day from this moment forward. Learn something new that you feel and value today.
Striking a balance between actioning change, thinking it and welcoming it into your life can help you to surrender to what you don’t know now that you soon will, tomorrow.
To further support you remain in touch with this integral part of you, please take a look at our meditations available in the online shop, that use Clinical Hypnotherapy techniques. Will you benefit from calming your mind and centring yourself along with making change at a deep level?
Photo by Ross Findon
Feature Photo by Alexander Schimmeck