When you work with us we use our knowledge of your energy anatomy; your chakras, astral bodies, templates, soul structure, energy field and more. We reach up to explore your higher levels and we grab a hold of our impressions, feelings, the energy we see, the colours that show in your aura and so much more,
We listen to what you say and take note of how you react emotionally to what you are telling us.
Initially, when you come to see us, you will fill out a client intake form which provides us with the detail of your story, your history and the issues you may want help with. We use this in your first session as we begin to unpack where you may have hit a roadblock and stored energy; feelings, emotions, trauma, unresolved issues, someone else’s issues, fear, anger and all of the other reactions you may have had but not been able to fully deal with. We may spot an area in your development that is lacking and begin to stimulate the corresponding chakra and highlight to you what this facet of your intelligence is stuck in and what precise learning you may require so that you can navigate your way forward more easily.
What age, which chakra and what development did you miss out on?
We explore your story together to understand the various stages of your development where you struggled or were not fully supported to work through any of your personal challenges or life issues.
Your chakras unfold specific learning to you to grow and develop through. For example, your base chakra opens and works with the learning you need to develop between the ages of 0-7 years of age. Your sacral chakra opens and supports the learning you need to make between 7 – 14 years of age and your solar plexus chakra governs the personal learning you need to grow through between the ages of 14 – 21.
Your base chakra forms your foundation
The base chakra helps you to form your foundation. This is where you find your life force, strength and motivation, and where you learn to meet your basic needs. It is where you feel connected to family and friends, and can gain a sense of belonging. It is also where your depression is stored and your fear activates! There is a lot more to discover about your base chakra.
Your sacral chakra governs your immune system
Your sacral chakra is the chakra that helps you to generate your opportunities. It delivers your instincts which help you to survive and thrive. This is the chakra that also acts as a storage centre for any unresolved or unprocessed trauma that you may still be storing. The build-up and backlog in this chakra can directly impact your immune system. It is common to find that clients have not been able to process trauma and need assistance to clear these types of issues.
Your solar plexus chakra was opening when you were a teen.
And lastly, for now, your solar plexus chakra is the chakra you were working with between the ages of 14 – 21. This chakra provided you with the challenges of balancing your ego in all the ways it can be expressed. This chakra is linked to your mind, logic and, reasoning. It is where your subconscious mind delivers messages to you through your dreams. Your solar plexus chakra can really be overworking if you live through your mind, worry, become anxious, fantasise, lack in being fully present and overwork your mind.
Everyone wants to feel better!
As you work with us you will be delighted to simply feel better as we navigate our way through, your story, clearing the old energy, rebalancing your chakras, helping you to find and express more of yourself. We aim to finish and leave you with a very grounded level of understanding; to provide you with information, tools, and techniques to assist you to make real progress.
Where does hypnotherapy fit in?
We use our ability as Clinical Hypnotherapists to help you relax deeply, to accelerate your progress as we facilitate directly into your subconscious mind (which can be likened to the server to the computer) to create deep and lasting change. The process of trance allows us to clear any roadblocks you may have in a safe and trauma-free way whilst you rest in a safe and refreshing place.
Remember you will always know when something in your life is not right for you, or when you are not doing the right thing by yourself, because, simply put, it doesn’t feel right. Even those moments when you think you are obliged to do something or that there is no way around a situation can be approached differently. When you feel unhappy, trapped or burdened your response to the situation, the action you are taking is not right for you. Your mind might be telling you to do one thing but the way you feel is screaming NO!
There is more to you beneath the surface
Can you allow your self the freedom to not do those things? To choose an alternative way, a
new approach, to create a boundary or, to say no? Hypnotherapy can help you do these things naturally and easily.
Get your energy moving!
Your life is filled with challenges and learning. When you meet these challenges in ways that include referencing your internal intelligence by listening to the voice of each chakra, your energy flows and you feel great!
Your chakras continue to support you and open further awareness to you as you learn to make changes that will clear through any backlog and stuck states.
Rebalancing your energy means
- things become clearer and you feel freer,
- you change behaviours more easily,
- you hear your inner intelligence more clearly, and
- can move beyond old ways that may be keeping you stuck
You are rewarded with higher levels of energy, feelings of empowerment and a flow of information critical to your ongoing development when you correct these energy blocks and old patterns.